The Green Mountain Valley School, Mt. Hood Summer Ski camp is headed up by Adam Julius and has been an integral part of ski racing development for many years. Through this two week camp young skiers are given the opportunity to further their skiing ability's, make lifelong friends, and have an amazing experience. Please, join us on this blog as we update you constantly on your child's adventures. Be sure to look out for the latest photos, news, and occasional videos. Enjoy!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 1

Great first day up on the hill! We split up into groups and progressed into drills and got back into the feeling of things. All in all it was a successful first day of skiing. Tomorrow will be much the same plan with the following day getting more into stubbies and gates. So far so good! Click the picture below for a slide show of some pictures we got today!

Mt Hood 2011


  1. Thank you for the updates! I really look forward to reading them!

  2. love the blog! love the pics! :)
    have fun! xo dena

  3. Thanks for the great update and pictures. Sounds like a great first day. Kitty

  4. Thank you for taking the time to do a blog.
    Love the vintage cropped corner lens!

  5. Tracy's House from the girlsJuly 2, 2011 at 8:20 PM

    Love this camp!! Having the time of our lives!!
    Katie Q, Maddie s, Isobel M, Pia L, Hannah U,Madi G,and Cat K
